Tonopah Public Utilities
Our employees are available to assist you – Monday through Friday, except Federal and State observed holidays from the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (closed for lunch 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.) Service requests made after 3:00 p.m. will be made the following business day. A $50 call-out fee will be assessed to customers requesting non-emergency services after the hours of 3:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, Sunday and on Federal and State observed holidays.
Tonopah Public Utilities provides metered water and sewer services to residential and commercial customers within the boundaries of the Unincorporated Town of Tonopah. The Utility may serve other areas as authorized by the Tonopah Town Board. The following information is intended to provide residential customers with basic information related to Water/Sewer service and is not all-inclusive of the Town of Tonopah – Tonopah Public Utilities Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Regulations. A complete copy of the regulations and other related documents may be obtained at the TPU Office located at 140 S. Street, Tonopah, NV 89049; or online at the Town website: www.tonopahnevada.com. Customers are subject to the regulations and all State and Federal laws regarding the use of water and sewer service for which the customer receives.
Residential customers requesting new service are required to pay a $75 Security Deposit. Property owners and customers who previously established credit within the previous twelve (12) month period with the utility may be considered for a waiver of deposit. TPU requires proof of ownership and/or prior payment history if applicable. Deposit waivers are granted at the discretion of the TPU Account Representative or Administrative Supervisor. Accounts are audited semiannually pursuant to the Utility regulations for possible credit or refund. Deposits will be applied to any amount owing on final billings, remaining deposit funds will be refunded to the customer by check to the address on file.
Monthly bills are prepared and mailed the last regular business day each month. Bills are due and payable upon receipt and are considered delinquent if not paid by the 18th of each month. In the event the 18th is on a weekend or a holiday, the due date will be the first regular business day following the 18th. Payments may be delivered, to the TPU Office or placed in the night drop box, located at 140 S. Main Street, mailed to P.O. Box 151, Tonopah, NV 89049, pay by phone using debit or credit card (855) 300-8636 , or pay online. Please note: convenience fees are added to each credit/debit card transaction. Fees range in price from $2.00 and up determined by the total dollar value of the transaction).
An administrative fee of$10 for water and $10 for sewer charged on customer’s first bill. Accounts temporarily inactivated at the customer’s request will be charged $20 reactivation fee upon reactivation.
Checks returned by the bank as unpayable will be charged a $42 fee. If three (3) or more checks are returned by your bank, TPU will require payment on the account be made with CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY – cash, cashier check or money order.
Billings not paid, on or before the due date, shall be considered delinquent and subject to a penalty of 10% of the delinquent amount. Accounts outstanding after 60 days will be notified by mail and service will be terminated unless payment is made prior to the due date on the “Shut-off Notice”. In the event your service is terminated for non-payment customer must present payment in full, before service will be restored. TPU may allow customers to make a payment arrangements contact our office for additional information. Failure to comply with the terms of a payment agreement will result in immediate termination of service and a $25 disconnect fee will be charged to the account.
Contact our office should you need the water shut-off at the meter box. Persons caught tampering or altering Utility property will be responsible for the repair/replacement costs and associated labor costs that may be necessary to replace/repair the meter.
Contact our office to suspend or transfer service. Please update the Utility as soon as possible of any changes to your mailing address or other contact information.
Access Your Account
Pay by Phone 24/7
(855) 300-8636
Be sure to have your account number and payment method ready when you call.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
(12:00pm-1:00pm closed for lunch)
Closed Saturday, Sunday and all State and Federal Holidays
Senior Account Representative
Natalie Varner
(775) 482-6643 Office
email: tpu@tonopahnevada.com
Utility Supervisor
Robert Herren
(775) 482-6643 Office
(775) 277-1281 Cell
email: utilitysupervisor@tonopahnevada.com
After Hours Emergency:
Phone – 775-482-6643
Current Rates Effective July 1, 2024
Consumer Confidence Report 2024
Water Sewer, & Reclaimed Water Regulations
Do you know where your water comes from?
Tonopah’s drinking water has to be pumped over fifteen miles from the Ralston Valley. The water comes from shallow wells in the Ralston Valley that are fed primarily through precipitation. Getting water to Tonopah is expensive and difficult. Water from the well field has to be pumped almost 500 feet over the San Antonio Mountains.
Electricity costs for pumping water to Tonopah is astonishing. We currently have over 25 miles of primary pipeline to supply the Town of Tonopah and the Tonopah Airport, and over 100 miles of distribution pipeline to supply homes and businesses that require continuous maintenance and upgrades.
Multiple storage tanks are required; they are critical to maintaining sufficient water pressure to service homes and businesses, and for fire suppression. Efforts have been undertaken to find another viable water source for Tonopah for over one hundred years – with no success! So please help protect and conserve Nevada’s most precious resource.
Contact our office immediately to report leaks, breaks, change in water pressure or change in taste, smell or color of the water. We strive to provide you with the best quality of water for years to come!
Contact Information
140 S Main Street, Tonopah, NV 89049
(775) 482-6336
Staff Directory
P.O. Box 151, Tonopah, NV 89049
Tonopah News & Media
- Making Tonopah a must-see destinationJanuary 3, 2025 - 10:24 pm
By Robin Hebrock Pahrump Valley Times January 3, 2025 Tonopah may be a small, rural community in the middle of Nevada’s high desert but it’s well worth the trip for […]