OHV Staging Area
Patriots Park
Sportsmans Park
Joe Friel Sports Complex
Peavine Campground
Located in Peavine Canyon, on the southeastern side of the Toiyabe Mountain Range.
Peavine Creek also flows through this site. Learn more »
Tonopah Ranger District
The Tonopah Ranger District is the largest ranger district in the lower 48 states. The district encompasses 1.12 million acres on the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. The Toiyabe Mountain range is a 125-mile “spinelike” range with 50 miles of it rising above 10,000 feet. Extending from Cottonwood Canyon in the south to 6 miles north of Austin, Nevada, this rugged range has limited access due to its terrain. Learn more about the surrounding wilderness areas by contacting the Tonopah Ranger District.
Phone: (775) 482-6286
Alta Toquima Wilderness Area
The Alta Toquima Wilderness is located within the Toquima Mountain Range in Central Nevada. This Wilderness Area hosts the tallest peak in Central Nevada, Mount Jefferson, 11,900 feet. The Atla Toquima Wilderness contains one of the most beautiful destinations in Central Nevada, Pine Creek. Learn more »
Table Mountain Wilderness Area
Table Mountain is located along the Table Mountain Range, east of Alta Toquima Wilderness and north of the McKinney Mountains of Central Nevada. With an average elevation just over 10,000 feet Table Mountain Wilderness offers much more than the high altitude found in the neighboring Wilderness Areas. Over ten miles long and several miles wide, the Wilderness Area contains one of Nevada’s largest continuous stands of Aspen. Learn more »
Arc Dome Wilderness Area
Situated in the southern portion of the Toiyabe Range, Arc Dome Wilderness Area offers breathtaking vistas, seemingly endless trails, and spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities. The Wilderness Areas’ main attraction is the National Recreation Toiyabe Crest Trail. Learn more »
Tonopah Parks
Tonopah Parks are open and free to the public. However, if you would like to hold an event, of any type, and expect 25 or more people to attend, please contact the Town Office (775) 482 6336 or by email at jmills@tonopahnevada.com, at least two business days prior to the event to check availability and schedule the date. Town Staff will determine if the user will require a Use and Maintenance Agreement with the Town, possible insurance requirements, and will schedule to have all available amenities available for the event.
Pay for pool rental, pool passes
& corral rental below.
Barsanti Park / Tonopah Memorial Swimming Pool
Click Here For Pool Information
Located on Bryan Avenue
Park amenities: Picnic Area, Playground
This Park is home to the most abundant concentration, and largest known remains, of Ichthyosaurs, an ancient marine reptile that swam in a warm ocean that covered Central Nevada 225 million years ago. This Park also contains a True Nevada Ghost Town with many original buildings preserved in a state of arrested decay.
Butler Park
Located on Mizpah Circle.
Park amenities: Covered Picnic Area, Basketball Court and Playground
Clair Blackburn Memorial Stargazing Park
The Park features concrete pads, benches, and tables. Telescopes, binoculars, and iPads with stargazing apps will be provided. Learn more here…
Harvey Park
Located on Globemallow Lane.
Park amenities: Ball Park, and Playground

Liberty Park
Located on Black Mountain Court.
Park amenities: Playground
Patriots Park
179 N. Main Street – Home to the Tonopah Charter’s of Freedom, Tesla Charging Station, Tonopah Information Center and covered picnic area.
Tonopah Fairgrounds & Arena
Click here for information
Located on Highway 6 E
All parks close at dark. Fairgrounds are open 24/7